
How to Attach our Script Style "Handmade" Labels - A Hardware Installation Tutorial

5/03/2017 12:45:00 PM

I'm in love with the Script Style Metal bag labels that are now available in the shop! They have a touch of elegance and come in five finishes so you can add them to whatever bag you are making. They are quick and easy to install, and only take a few minutes.

Here's what you'll need:

  • A ⅛” punch and hammer or a strong awl
  • Fray check or a similar fray blocker
  • A strong glue like E6000
  • Scraps of peltex or foam stabilizer
  • Script Style label and included screws and washer
  • A small screw driver
  • A marking pen

Gather your supplies:

Grab your bag panel and determine where you would like your bag and mark a line to indicate where you want your label placed. 

NOTE: It's important to note that the posts on the back of the label 
are slightly different heights.

This is due to the nature of the script style label so do NOT use the included washer to mark your placement. Instead we will be using the label itself. The easiest way to do this is to push the label down onto the fabric with enough force to create and indentation where the posts are. It's difficult to tell in the photo but look where the arrows are pointing and you will see the round indentations.

Grab your fabric marking pen and trace inside the indents.

Grab your punch and hammer or awl and make your holes where your marks are.

As you can see from the photo, the left hole is slightly higher than the right. 
That's ok! This is how it should look.

Dab some fray check or fray blocker on your holes.

From the right side of your fabric, push your label posts through the holes you made. You may want to put a small piece of washi or masking tape over the front side of your label to keep it from getting scratched as you work on your bag.

Once you you have placed your label posts through the holes, flip your bag over to the wrong side.

These labels have long enough posts to accommodate thick leathers and vinyls with stabilizers. For fabric bags, you will need to add an extra piece of peltex or foam stabilizer so that you get a nice fit and you posts of the label aren't visible. Check for fit and and determine whether to add one or two layers of peltex here. Poke holes in the peltex using the washer as a guide here.

Using your glue of choice, add a drop to the inside of the posts of the label. I like to put a bit of glue on a scrap of cardboard and dip a pin to get a small bit of glue to drop into the posts.

Now place the peltex over your posts, followed by the washer. Grab your screws and screw them into the posts, sandwiching your peltex (or foam) and washer in between. It will now look like this:

And you are all done! Easy peasy!

Admire your new bling!


Photos and content provided and written for Emmaline Bags by Cyndi Farfsing, from The Nosy Pepper. Cyndi's blog is chock is full of more bag photos and make making tips. Check out her bag series "It's in the Bag! Better Bag Making Series," to learn a ton of new bag making skills.

Share your projects made from Emmaline patterns and/or with Emmaline hardware in our facebook group Emmaline Sewing Patterns Group, or on instagram with the hashtags #emmalinehardware, #emmalinepatterns, #emmalinebags, or tag us @emmalinebags.

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  1. Fine tutorial. Now I need to order some of these cool script Handmade labels!!

  2. I love all of your "Handmade" bag jewelry. It's amazing.

    1. Aw thanks! Yes our bag blink is just like bag jewelry. That perfect final touch! Thanks Kathy.

  3. Have they always come with washers? I bought some ages ago and have been too chicken to use them, because I was afraid of having to hammer the rivets. If I got washers then I must have hidden them!

    1. Hi Jennifer, no they haven't always come with washers. The older style came with rivets and you need to hammer them to get them set. I have some instructions I can give you, if you want to shoot me an email at janelle@emmalinebags.com.

  4. I love the idea of the glue in the screw holes, why didn't I think of that? (I'll bet you do that to bag clasps too!) thanks for the tutorial Janelle! I just love these labels!


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The contents of this blog, including text, original photos and ideas are the sole property of the author. If you intend to use my text or images, please link back to this blog and give credit to Emmaline Bags & Patterns. A notification email would be greatly appreciated too! Please do not ever republish an entire post, any tutorials, or post photos of my family. Thank you, Janelle