Bag Making Tutorials
Airport Sling Sew Along - Post #4: Finishing The Bag & Link Up Your Photos
4/29/2016 08:25:00 PMWelcome to Post #4 - Finishing the Bag & Entering to Win!
If you have just joined us, Lindsay and I are sewing up some projects found in our book On the Go Bags, and this sew along is for the Airport Sling bag. Today we are going to finish the last steps, and at the end of the post, you will have a chance to link up your Airport Sling photos so you can have a chance to win some awesome prizes!
Join us in the On the Go Bags Facebook group, to join the sew along fun and chat with other participants!
If you have missed a post in the sew along, here are the previous posts:
- Post #1: Supplies, Cutting & Interfacing
- Post #2: Creating the Passport Pocket
- Post #3: Finishing the Bag Exterior
Let's Get Started:
This is the last edition of the Airport Sling sew along, but that's okay - I'll still be around in the Facebook group cheering you on, and answering any questions. Today we are focusing on page 120, the last page of the pattern in the book. It's a pretty short page - and… pretty easy. The hard stuff is all finished now.
I don't think you need one of my fancy dancy videos this time, so I'll save you the pain of watching one. I will just make a mention that interfacing the lining pieces is optional, however if you are going to add any pockets, it's highly recommended.
I didn't have a lot of room in the book to add inside pockets (I was already hogging too many pages), so today I am going to tell you how I added a slip pocket for my cell phone, and put in a zipper opening.
So if you do want to add pockets of any kind, before you put your lining together is the perfect time. I've got a few tutorials on adding zipper pockets, and you and find them here, but I felt like the inside of this bag was a little skinny to get my fat hands in to open a zipper and I was happy with a slip pocket that I can just drop my phone in when I need to.
I had some scraps from my lining, and so I decided to use those for the slip pocket. I used 2 interfaced squares that were 6 1/2" x 6 1/2" and stitched them right sides together. This is a basic slip pocket and since this is an advanced pattern, I probably don't need to go into the details on how to make a slip pocket! I will mention that I did place the pocket and my phone onto the bag while pinning it in place so that I could make sure that the top of my phone was well below the lining top and didn't stick up past into the area where the zipper will be. I didn't want it too low, so I found the perfect spot - centred left & right - and pinned it in place.
Here is my lovely pocket holding my lifeline:
Note: I have used a 14" zipper for this, but you could use a 12" or longer.
The first step is to make marks on the TOP EDGE of both lining pieces (pieces are 10 1/2" wide by 10 high). Measure in 1 1/4" from both the left and right side edges and make a mark.

To make things easy, I basted the zipper in place using a 1/8" seam allowance. Stitch from the start of the zipper and STOP at the last pin, but do not remove it. We need it later!!
Take one of your Lining Top pieces and place it wrong side up over the top of the lining bottom and the zipper, and pin along the top edge. The zipper will be in between. Start sewing (1/4" seam allowance) at the end of the fabric that has the open end of the zipper, pulling the pins out as you go, but STOP and the last pin!
When get to the last pin, you should reverse a couple of stitches, then reach between the layers and grab the zipper. Pull the zipper away and out of the seam at about a 45 degree angle, so that it's not making things pull out of shape, but stays well out of the seam allowance. Just hold it there!
Now flatten the Lining Top strip now over the top again, making sure you don't let that zipper go back into the seam, and stitch to the end.
This is what it will look like!I don't think you need one of my fancy dancy videos this time, so I'll save you the pain of watching one. I will just make a mention that interfacing the lining pieces is optional, however if you are going to add any pockets, it's highly recommended.
I didn't have a lot of room in the book to add inside pockets (I was already hogging too many pages), so today I am going to tell you how I added a slip pocket for my cell phone, and put in a zipper opening.
So if you do want to add pockets of any kind, before you put your lining together is the perfect time. I've got a few tutorials on adding zipper pockets, and you and find them here, but I felt like the inside of this bag was a little skinny to get my fat hands in to open a zipper and I was happy with a slip pocket that I can just drop my phone in when I need to.
I had some scraps from my lining, and so I decided to use those for the slip pocket. I used 2 interfaced squares that were 6 1/2" x 6 1/2" and stitched them right sides together. This is a basic slip pocket and since this is an advanced pattern, I probably don't need to go into the details on how to make a slip pocket! I will mention that I did place the pocket and my phone onto the bag while pinning it in place so that I could make sure that the top of my phone was well below the lining top and didn't stick up past into the area where the zipper will be. I didn't want it too low, so I found the perfect spot - centred left & right - and pinned it in place.
Here is my lovely pocket holding my lifeline:
Finishing the Lining:
If you are going to add the magnetic snap to the top opening, please continue following the directions on page 120, they are pretty straight forward and I am sure they will be a breeze for you. You can jump down to the end after you are done and see how to link up your awesome bag, or read along here to see all about this zipper opening business!Adding a Zipper Opening:
I have used my Airport Sling on several trips and it did work well for me. I used it at home too, actually, because usually when I get home from a trip I am too used to my bag to change it, or too tired to bother! One of the features that I had wished I could put in was a zipper opening, so I thought I would describe that here as an option for you. Some people prefer the easy access of a snap, some prefer the security of a zipper - it's a personal preference.Note: I have used a 14" zipper for this, but you could use a 12" or longer.
The first step is to make marks on the TOP EDGE of both lining pieces (pieces are 10 1/2" wide by 10 high). Measure in 1 1/4" from both the left and right side edges and make a mark.
Take your zipper, and fold back the tails on the open end at about a 45 degree angle and baste them in place. You can see the dark basting threads on the zipper in the photo below. Be sure to baste them to the back, not the front, and use only about 1/8" seam allowance from the edge of the zipper tape.
Place the zipper right side up on the top edge of the fabric, lining up the metal clip at the end of the zipper coil (this is called a start) at the first 1 1/4" marking on the left and pinning across as shown below. Your last pin will be at the mark on the right. This is important, because this is the STOP point that you will use in a couple of steps below.

To make things easy, I basted the zipper in place using a 1/8" seam allowance. Stitch from the start of the zipper and STOP at the last pin, but do not remove it. We need it later!!
Take one of your Lining Top pieces and place it wrong side up over the top of the lining bottom and the zipper, and pin along the top edge. The zipper will be in between. Start sewing (1/4" seam allowance) at the end of the fabric that has the open end of the zipper, pulling the pins out as you go, but STOP and the last pin!
When get to the last pin, you should reverse a couple of stitches, then reach between the layers and grab the zipper. Pull the zipper away and out of the seam at about a 45 degree angle, so that it's not making things pull out of shape, but stays well out of the seam allowance. Just hold it there!
Now flatten the Lining Top strip now over the top again, making sure you don't let that zipper go back into the seam, and stitch to the end.
You can now open it up and press the fabric away from the zipper. I like to press the seam allowance towards the top in this case, and topstitch next to the zipper because it makes the zipper lay nicer than if the seam allowances are pressed to the bottom of the bag.
You now have to repeat this process to stitch the other side of the zipper to the other lining piece. This is easiest if you have your zipper open. Follow the steps above to pin it in place, but you'll have to stitch it a different position! You'll still start at the end with the zipper opening, but it will be upside down, with the lining bottom on top, zipper right side down, and Lining Top piece at the bottom. Essentially, you will be stitching from the "back". This way, you will still be able to pull the zipper away and out of the seam when you reach the end.
Here is a look with the zipper closed (see below). You can press and topstitch the other lining top now. It's time to trim your zipper off so that it's not too long! I measured 1 3/4" past the edge of the bag and cut it off there. The reason that it isn't flush with the bag is because you will need room to sew on a fabric tab or end onto the zipper. If you have used a 12" zipper and are happy with the metal stop on the end, that's okay too, but I trimmed mine off.
At this point I remembered my metal zipper ends… I always forget those!! I most often make a square fabric tab to go over the end of the zipper, and have never actually put one of our Emmaline metal zipper ends on one of my bags, so this was the perfect time. It might never actually get seen, because I like to tuck my "tail" of my zipper into the bag, rather than have it all hanging out, but at least I know it's there and I'm not going commando…..
Okay now, time to finish up the rest of your bag as instructed. Actually, I didn't do what was instructed and in my chocolate induced daze I actually just stitched up the sides, left an opening at the bottom, boxed the corners, and then found the BASE! I was supposed to put in the lining bottom! ARGH. So of course, I didn't rip it out, my corners were already boxed and trimmed! My lining is a wee bit shorter than the outside of the bag without the lining bottom in there, but that's ok. Only I know. And now you all know. I should have actually read my own instructions, but I figured "hey, I wrote this over 1 year ago, I remember it fine!".
Here's a look at how the bag looks with the zipper opening complete. It's a bit fiddly to open if you try to slide the zipper without holding the bag side. I pinch the top of the bag like shown in the photo below, and then pull it closed, and pinch the other side to open. In the photo, my zipper end is tucked down inside the bag.
The Airport Sling bag exterior passport pocket:
The Airport Sling bag front slip pocket:
A quick note about you bag strap!
If you are using quilting cotton or similar weight fabric, you will want to add a layer of interfacing onto the bag strap. I didn't add any to my light canvas duck and it worked out perfectly and has a nice weight and stiffness to it.Thats a Wrap
That wraps up the Airport Sling Sew Along, but we aren't done with these On the Go Bags sew alongs yet! On May 1st we start the Sporty Strap Pack Sew Along with Lindsay Conner ! I will post the prizes for that one next week… whoop whoop!!Please like our sponsors on Facebook!
Aurifil * Blend Fabrics * ByAnnie * C&T Publishing * Craftsy * Pellon * Riley Blake Designs
The Airport Sling Sew Along Prizes:
Sew along with us to make my "Airport Sling" from the book for your chance to win one of these prizes. All prizes will be randomly selected from participants who submit their finished bag photo to the Facebook group by May 30th. Winners chosen on June 1st!1 winner: 1 package of Pellon Flex-Foam®
3 winners: 1 package of ByAnnie's Soft and Stable, 36" x 58" white
1 winner: Aurifil thread collection curated by Annabel Wrigley, Maribel for Windham Fabrics
1 winner: 1 ebook of the winner's choice from C&T Publishing
1 winner: 1 Craftsy class of the winner's choice
How to Link Up:
You can link a photo of your completed bag below. Links from your blog, your Instagram or even facebook will work. In order for a facebook or Instagram photo to work, the photo must be set to "public" and not private. If you don't have Instagram or a blog, you can link up a facebook photo right from our On the Go Bags Facebook group! Open the photo so that it's in it's own window, right click on it to save the photo location. Copy the link in the browser bar, and use that to link it below. This is TRICKY, so I have made a little video for you to help you out. The video is for the Bag of the Month Club, but it works the same here. Go here watch the video tutorial.If it's still unclear, you can ask in the Facebook group and I will help you out there.