
A Craftsy Class in the Making - Sharing my First Craftsy Instructor Experience

11/28/2015 01:58:00 PM

A nice surprise on my dressing room door.
I had the time of my life last week at the Craftsy studio in Denver, Colorado.

I would love to share a bit of my experience with you. I can't tell you what my class is about yet, but I'll share more at the end of December and it should be released early January 2016.  I can tell you that it's about bag making, but I'm sure you already guessed that.

Here's an exciting tidbit:  I was the first to use this new set. In fact, they were putting the finishing touches on it the morning of my first day of shooting. I love it. Sort of a country in the city look, with the Craftsy orange playing centre stage. Actually, you probably won't see much of that orange in my class though, as we are zoomed into the machine. Tissues on the desk? Yes those were for me, but thankfully not for crying.

The new set! 

I do really hope that I pulled my own weight during this class and come off looking good, because I was quite nervous! I have to be honest with you all, because you will see it soon (hopefully) - I did some of the worst sewing in that class. Sewing crooked, forgetting to backstitch. I cut the fabric when I was seam ripping - seam ripping, yes. I hit my hand on the iron and yelled - AHH!! They had to cut the take and we started over.

There are several scenes where I have blue ink all over my hands.

I instructed to sew something, mentioning to make sure that you paid particular attention to the top of your directional print - and then sewed it on upside down!

I did get melted chocolate from a cookie all over my project after my kind producer, Karen,
suggested I wash my hands, and I didn't listen.  Out came the Tide wipes!

But…….. I did not cut of the tip of my finger with the rotary cutter, I did not poke myself with a pin and I did not trip and fall. So.. not altogether perfect, but a successful sewing session for me ;)

My cute dressing room. And I did sign my name on a star!
Seriously, it was a very, very enjoyable experience for me.  Scary, because of the new experience and the unknown, but a time that I will remember forever and be very proud of.

The Craftsy staff were so friendly and patient. They really are a talented and professional bunch. We did have some laughs, and they made me feel so comfortable, but you could tell they loved their work and had a lot of passion for what they do.  They did tell me that despite all of my wee mishaps - they will make me look awesome.

Of course they will, it's Craftsy!

A few pics from my trip:

A welcome gift from Craftsy!

A gorgeous, welcoming hotel room with a cool retro theme! 

I enjoyed some beautiful evening walks downtown.

I did not need this!! 
Or this. 

But… I absolutely DID NEED this! 

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  1. Oh, Janelle. Thank you for the chuckle. I can only imagine how nervous I would be sewing in front of cameras. I don't even like to sew in front of other people! And lol at getting melted chocolate on your project. Whoops! I'm sure the class will be awesome.

  2. Oh you make me laugh and proud at the same time!! Imagine that from a road trip with me and being adored by thousands (a huge amount of them being Ozzies) to a craftsy class and being adored by millions. Your a shinning star and we love you!!
    PS we don't care if you get chocolate on anything!! Lol

  3. You write such an entertaining blog Janelle. What an experience you've had. Looking forward to seeing the Craftsy class!

  4. I'm going to come back here and read this post when your class is released and I need another good furniture-shaking laugh. If I didn't already know you're one of the best and kindest people in the sewing industry, I'd know it now. Wear that Cracksy instructor badge proudly, coz you make me proud to be a (half-frozen) Canuck!

  5. so fun! And I can imagine being super nervous! Isn't it always the case that when we sew in front of people that we make all the silly mistakes!? At least I do...

  6. Thanks for sharing, Janelle. Where is the fun in always doing everything perfectly?? There would be no stories then!

  7. Love your descriptions and your humor! Sounds like you did fine!

  8. Love your descriptions and your humor! Sounds like you did fine!

  9. LOL....Now we know you are human as well as a star! LOL....Too funny! I can't wait to see your class Janelle....I'll be buying it even if just to play "Spot the Blunders" LOLLL hehheee...I am sure it is going to be FABULOUS! :)

  10. Wishing you success on your new endeavors! I enjoyed reading about your experience!

  11. Thanks for sharing! Too funny! I can't wait for your class; I'm sure it will be fabulous and worth the wait.

  12. That's so awesome Janelle, looking forward to the new class! Great experience for you, and thanks for sharing with us :)

  13. That's so epic! I'm so happy for you and can't wait to see your class!

    And thank you for the good laugh! =D

  14. Congratulations on your new Craftsy class, Janelle! And thanks for keeping it real (and enjoyable).
    I am looking forward to seeing your new class, too!! I wish you all the best with it!


  15. LOL, you are making me laugh out loud, I am so excited for you and can't wait to sign up for the class, PS, love your new logo, very cool!

  16. Congratulations on all of your awesome achievements this year, Janelle! Can't imagine how high you must be flying... but it does set up greater expectations for 2016. ;-) (I knew you were an inspiration when I first encountered your blog!)


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The contents of this blog, including text, original photos and ideas are the sole property of the author. If you intend to use my text or images, please link back to this blog and give credit to Emmaline Bags & Patterns. A notification email would be greatly appreciated too! Please do not ever republish an entire post, any tutorials, or post photos of my family. Thank you, Janelle