
Handbag Winner Announced & Happy Easter to You!

4/03/2012 09:00:00 AM

I just love announcing winners!  Seriously it's so fun.  I think tomorrow when I go to the post office to mail this bag to Jill from Home a la mode, I am going to just tell everyone in line they are winners.  "Hi, you're a winner!", "You win!", "Winning!"  Oops, I went too far with the "Winning!".  Sounding like Charlie Sheen just cheapens the whole thing doesn't it?

But honestly, I am just so thankful that you stopped by the blog, facebook, and my website.  Followed me here there and everywhere, and entered the contest.

I will be sending out this cute handbag to Jill, as soon as she sends me her mailing address (I'll contact you Jill).  In the meantime, please check out her webpage and blog for all that is Moda.

In the spirit of the French words "a la mode",  I would like to wish you a wonderful Easter weekend with a cute little vintage french card I found over at The Graphics Fairy.  Isn't she cute, even if a little sullen...

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  1. Congratulations to Jill and thanks for a great giveaway!

  2. Thanks much! I'm so excited to win - I'm going to link this over the Home a la mode blog at www.homealamode.com. We ship our wonderful Moda products and much more to Australia and all over the world on a daily basis. Thanks again for this awesome giveaway!

  3. Congrats Jill. I'll just have to keep trying!


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The contents of this blog, including text, original photos and ideas are the sole property of the author. If you intend to use my text or images, please link back to this blog and give credit to Emmaline Bags & Patterns. A notification email would be greatly appreciated too! Please do not ever republish an entire post, any tutorials, or post photos of my family. Thank you, Janelle