
New Spending Goals and Discounts at Emmaline Bags!

3/10/2016 09:04:00 AM

Good Morning!
If you are shopping on our website this morning, you may have noticed a couple of changes. We are pretty excited about them!

The most obvious change for you will be the reminders that pop down for you to buy 5, 10 or 15% when you shop. You'll be informed of how much you need to spend to get to the next discount level, and you will be notified of which discount code to use! Cool!

Our customers had a couple of recurring issues on our website:

  1. We heard that you can't remember or find discount codes, so now they will be posted for you at the top of the page when you are eligible.
  2. We heard that you can't see the drop down arrows to choose quantities, so we have removed the extra quantities and fixed up our arrows. 
  3. We heard that you don't want to order 10 to get a savings, so we have made it so you can buy how many you choose and still get a discount.
Quantity Changes: You will notice that there are no longer many 10 packs available in the shop. Removing 10 packs will enable us to track our inventory more accurately to avoid overselling, and will also help us with more accurate order picking and packaging - all very important things! We are trying very hard to make sure orders are more accurate, and finding out where we can change is all part of the process! So if you sometimes purchase 10 packs and saved 10%, you also will be very happy with the new discount levels and the best part is you no longer have to buy 10 to save.

We are always trying to improve our processes at Emmaline, and keeping up with the demands and the times is an ongoing process.

If you have any questions, please ask!


Get a 50% discount on my Craftsy class AND an opportunity to win $1000 for a craft-focused charity of your choice. There are only a few more days left to enter. How to enter?  That's simple, just purchase a class before the 13th!!

New to Craftsy? Just so you know, there is no risk, because if you aren't happy with my class, you get a full refund.  GO TO THE CLASS & WATCH THE OFFICIAL VIDEO TRAILER

Thank you for reading,


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The contents of this blog, including text, original photos and ideas are the sole property of the author. If you intend to use my text or images, please link back to this blog and give credit to Emmaline Bags & Patterns. A notification email would be greatly appreciated too! Please do not ever republish an entire post, any tutorials, or post photos of my family. Thank you, Janelle