Bag Making Tutorials

How to make a Mini Coin Purse or Lipstick Purse - a Video Tutorial

3/13/2016 09:03:00 PM
My friend Sheila went to Japan a year or so ago and brought me back the CUTEST little coin purse kit and I had been wanting to make it for so long, but there was one issue - the instructions were in Japanese! It took me a while to decide to jump in and make it regardless of the instructions, but when I...


Bag Locks

New Spending Goals and Discounts at Emmaline Bags!

3/10/2016 09:04:00 AM
Good Morning! If you are shopping on our website this morning, you may have noticed a couple of changes. We are pretty excited about them! The most obvious change for you will be the reminders that pop down for you to buy 5, 10 or 15% when you shop. You'll be informed of how much you need to spend to get to the...


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A Note

The contents of this blog, including text, original photos and ideas are the sole property of the author. If you intend to use my text or images, please link back to this blog and give credit to Emmaline Bags & Patterns. A notification email would be greatly appreciated too! Please do not ever republish an entire post, any tutorials, or post photos of my family. Thank you, Janelle