Handbag Hardware

Made in the USA & Made in Canada Labels are here!! Which do you like?

2/19/2014 12:27:00 PM
My new metal bag labels and zipper pulls are in the shop and getting a great response from customers so far. I am really happy with how they turned out. These will be great as a centre focal point on the exterior of any bag, or a nice professional surprise in a lining. I know I am biased, as they are my design,...


Digital Downloads and ePatterns

New York Beauty Circle of Flying Geese Mini is Done!!

2/12/2014 03:01:00 PM
It's done.... and I love it! Click to Enlarge It's a bit small for the space, but I love it and I just love seeing this greet me when I come in the door. Laney waiting for her boy to come home from school. ABOUT THIS QUILT: The NY Beauty Circle of Flying Geese Pattern  by Janice Ryan of Better Off Thread Pattern available...


Bag of the Month Club

February Pattern:: The Bag of the Month Club

2/01/2014 08:10:00 AM
Good morning everyone!  Just a quick post to share pictures today because this is LAUNCH day of our new Parkland Modern Quilters Guild and I have to pack up and get over there to set up. So, SEW, excited!! As some of you know, I am the February pattern designer in the bag of the month club and here is what I've put...


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A Note

The contents of this blog, including text, original photos and ideas are the sole property of the author. If you intend to use my text or images, please link back to this blog and give credit to Emmaline Bags & Patterns. A notification email would be greatly appreciated too! Please do not ever republish an entire post, any tutorials, or post photos of my family. Thank you, Janelle