
You will love this a-MAZEing Quilt!

6/25/2013 11:27:00 PM
Natalie from Carry Hers By Natalie, not only makes fantastic bags and purses, but she has also blown me away with this MAZE quilt for her son. It's so original and fun, and I can't imagine how much work went into it. There probably wasn't much chain piecing, and definitely no stack and whacking going on here.  Oh, and it's massive! The animal...


DIY Crafts

A Handmade Leather E-Reader Case and a Cheeseburger Cake for Father's Day!

6/19/2013 11:27:00 PM
Question:  What do you sew a guy for Father's Day? Answer:  A very masculine padded leather e-reader case... of course! The story goes like this:  My husband really needed an e-reader, but he didn't think so. I told him several times, but he always said, "no, I like to read real books", "no I don't need one", "no I don't like the screens"....


Purse Hardware

Sewing a Handmade Leather Clutch Instead of Seat Covers.

6/08/2013 02:22:00 PM
Today I had plans to go the Edmonton Quilt Festival with a good friend, but we have to postpone it until tomorrow, so instead I'm doing some sewing. I'm should be sewing seat covers for my husband's truck.... but I just can't get into it! Instead.... I made a handmade leather clutch! Tandy Leather has assorted lambskins with a wide assortment of colors...


Digital Downloads and ePatterns

Microfiber Purse Handles: What To Do With Them and Links to Free Patterns

6/06/2013 10:42:00 AM
Recently, I purchased about 8 dozen pairs of microfiber purse handles from a lovely lady named Barbara H.  Barbara had been searching for Everything Mary purse handles that are sold at Joann's and Hancock Fabrics in the USA but aren't available to us in Canada. Everything Mary offered to sell her a box of 250 that was in a warehouse in Ontario and...


Shop our hardware!

A Note

The contents of this blog, including text, original photos and ideas are the sole property of the author. If you intend to use my text or images, please link back to this blog and give credit to Emmaline Bags & Patterns. A notification email would be greatly appreciated too! Please do not ever republish an entire post, any tutorials, or post photos of my family. Thank you, Janelle