
Moving to Canada Tomorrow!

8/20/2012 03:54:00 PM
That's it, I'm moving to Canada ;) By August 23rd, I will be deeply missing Australia and starting my new life at home in Canada. I have enjoyed the last 4 years here SO much, what an adventure!! But.... even home can be an adventure if you make it so!! (or sew...) Watch for Emmaline Bags & Sewing Patterns from the Northern Hemisphere.......


DIY Crafts

DIY Paper Wall Art Tutorial

8/14/2012 03:54:00 PM
Have you seen the paper wall art tutorial that Jessica from How About Orange has shared?  It is so cool and very easy to make.  I can see children and adults alike getting some quick wall art satisfaction out of this one.  Her colors are arranged so beautifully too! I Love it, an I'm putting it on my very long to-do list.  I...


Sewing Tutorials

DIY British Postage Stamps Handbag: A Guest Post by Abby

8/12/2012 03:56:00 AM
I am very lucky to have some wonderful and generous blog friends to help me out with guest posts while I move around the globe.   Today's guest post is so fun AND right in time for the London Olympics!  I hand over the blog to Abby, from Things for Boys.  Abby inspires me with every post and I'm having SO MUCH FUN devouring...



Handbags by Helen: Stop by to Win one of her Handbags!

8/05/2012 05:40:00 PM
One of my bloggy/sewing/handbag friends has just put up a new website!  Please check out Helen's, (from Handbags by Helen), new Website and hop over to her blog post to enter in her contest to win one of four bags.  There must be 50 comments on her blog and at the moment there are only a few... so please go on over and...


Blog Hop

Join the G+ Blog Hop!!

8/04/2012 03:45:00 PM
Thanks to Shasta, my G+ page is up and running.  I had no idea what I was doing or why I needed to do it until I read her helpful posts on how to get it looking spiffy!  Let Shasta at In the Old Road, get your G+ profile tweaked to perfection and then join her and the of the G+ Blog hop...


About us

Summer Fun Dress: A Tutorial from Veronica at sewVery!

8/02/2012 11:19:00 PM
I'm very excited to introduce you to Veronica, from sewVery.  Veronica is a very creative and talented seamstress who has so much to share with you on her blog.  You will be inspired!  Today she is showing us how to make a super cute little summer dress for sizes 2T - 6 that you can sew in about an hour!  Read all the...


About us

How Do You Say Emmaline? I Wrote a Poem

8/02/2012 08:31:00 PM
Yes, I wrote a Poem. I am often asked how I say Emmaline.  Usually, by my husband.  (Actually, he doesn't ask, how I say it, I just correct him when he says it wrong.)   I am sure there are at least 2 ways to say Emmaline, and both are correct... but I only say it one way ;)  So back in the...


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A Note

The contents of this blog, including text, original photos and ideas are the sole property of the author. If you intend to use my text or images, please link back to this blog and give credit to Emmaline Bags & Patterns. A notification email would be greatly appreciated too! Please do not ever republish an entire post, any tutorials, or post photos of my family. Thank you, Janelle