There are a few more days left to get your name in to enter my "Floral Couture" Phoebe bag! I'll be drawing for it on April 4th in Australia, which is April 3rd just about everywhere else. OH MY GOODNESS! My sister's birthday is on the 2nd and I didn't send her anything! What a thing to realize in the middle of a...
It's Autumn here in Australia, and although it is still warm and beachy - I miss spring time in Canada! Easter doesn't have quite the same feel here. Spring baby chicks and bunnies, eggs, tulips and spring flowers, just don't have any meaning here. There are no tulips or spring babies of any kind at this time of year, and the plants and...
I have to show you what I've been up to this week, besides hoping for sunshine. Rain, Rain go-away! It's torrential here on the Sunshine Coast, pretty ironic and unfair don't you think? My street is flowing like a river as we speak, and tomorrow my little man might have to stay home from school because the road to school is flooding. ...
The Invitation: I felt very honored when Justine from Sew Country Chick asked me to do a pattern giveaway. There was no hesitation, because I would do anything to be associated with the likes of Justine's blog! I would even iron all day for the opportunity. NO, I would do Justine's ironing for a year. No wait, maybe just one month. Did I...
The completed Pleated Boxes Pillow: The pleated boxes pillow I was making for the Craft Buds Sew Along is all finished, and I must say I do love it. I used some of my favorite Amy Butler scraps from her Lark and Love ranges, and some white cotton twill. The back of the pillow is made with the dark blue dotted fabric, which...
For me, one of the most wonderful things to come out of blogging, is getting to read, devour, and delight in so many wonderful crafty, decorating, and sewing blogs. Wow! There is so much gorgeous and ingenious stuff out there happening, and I don't know where all of these ideas come from. I have linked up a few of my latest tutorials, such...
I am so happy with my latest ePattern and I can't wait share it with you! Did I tell you how much I LOVE making new patterns? Seriously, I can't stop looking at it which is a good thing because there is no end to editing. I have to admit, I'm pretty proud of it, and I am so pleased with some of...
Featured Bloggers
Why Walk When You Can Fly: A very "ducky" message from Lisa McManus Lange
3/07/2012 04:28:00 PM
Lisa McManus Lange, is not only a very good friend of mine (best friends for 25 years in fact!), but also a very inspirational writer. Lisa's words inspire me daily and I just have to share her latest blog post, Why Walk When You Can Fly, with you. Loved it! I hope it will make you smile, ponder, walk, waddle or FLY! Please hop over to her blog where she writes weekly about writing, inspiration, writing inspiration... and daily life. Ok, that is not well written, but SHE is the writer (among many other talents, including anything handmade) not me! ... I just play one in a blog.
Please be inspired weekly by following her awesome blog:
Thank you for looking,
I think I'll do a Work In Progress Wednesday. Yes, why not? I'm loving this Sew Along hosted by Lindsay at Craft Buds, but seriously, what am I going to do with this pillow when it's finished? I'm supposed to be packing for moving to Canada in August, not making more things to pack!! I might have to either not stuff it with...
It's time to revisit an old favorite! My dear Grandma used to make those cute little crocheted purses to sell at craft fairs. She made them for my girls one Christmas too, and they just loved them. You know the ones, don't you? They are all over the internet. She taught me how to make them when I was about 22 or so,...
About following blogs: Recently I put Linky Friends on my blog, because Google Friends Connect was supposed to be gone for all those that aren't Blogger at the beginning of March. Linky Friends is alright, but I don't think it's very good for viewing new posts. A lot of people are recommending Bloglovin instead, so on I'm hopping on the next band wagon......
The Emmaline Bag with handmade vinyl straps. Yippee Yay! I've just finished my Emmaline Bag ePattern and have a few bags for sale. Having bags for sale is the one of the best by-products of pattern making. I just have to try them out 10 times and 5 different ways, it seems. One of them is ready for the shop, well it has...