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WEFTY Weaving Round Up: Emmaline Bags Edition!

11/02/2017 09:46:00 AM
I've been very inspired by the project photos of handmade bags and projects that are created using weaving techniques and patterns by Tara J Curtis of the WEFTY Needle. What is the WEFTY Needle and how can you use it? Tara is here to explain and inspire. I have my needle and I can't wait to start creating! Here is Tara: Tara J...


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The contents of this blog, including text, original photos and ideas are the sole property of the author. If you intend to use my text or images, please link back to this blog and give credit to Emmaline Bags & Patterns. A notification email would be greatly appreciated too! Please do not ever republish an entire post, any tutorials, or post photos of my family. Thank you, Janelle