
How To Install A Magnetic Snap Closure - A Tutorial

2/05/2012 05:05:00 AM

So you are making a handbag; welcome to your new addiction!  Does your handbag pattern tell you to put in a magnetic snap, but it doesn't tell you how?  It's funny how those magnetic snap sellers just assume that everyone knows the tricks, so they don't enclose instructions.  Frustrating!  I hope this little tutorial is the help you need.  No more velcro please!  You are banned from velcro, these magnetic snaps look so professional and are way too easy to put in.

** Update: You can now buy magnetic snaps in my shop HERE!

If you would rather watch a video, I've added this one for you:

Let's get started:

1.  You should ALWAYS put on some type of interfacing on any fabric surface no matter how thick the fabric is.  Magnets get pulled at and treated roughly and you need to reduce fraying, stretching and ripping as much as possible.  The iron-on adhesive helps keep the fibers together too.
Cut a 1.5" square of Heavy weight fusible interfacing. Center the square exactly where your pattern tells you to place the magnet.  I like to draw a line on each fabric piece and line the upper edge of my square on this, this ensure that both fabric pieces have their own half of the magnetic closure in the exact same place.  In this tutorial, I am going to fold my bag lining in half to find the center, and on this center line I am going to draw a line exactly 1" down from the top.

2.  Find the center of the 1.5" square or circle and mark this with a cross or dot.  (See above)

3.  Center the provided washer over the center mark and draw in the two rectangular cutting lines (I have drawn them in blue here).

4.  Using a seam ripper cut through the two drawn marks where the prongs will go through. It is very important that you don't make them too big or your snap will be loose. In fact, always make them a bit smaller than the lines, the material will stretch to make room for them.

5.  Push one of the magnetic snap halves through the right side of the fabric.

6.  Cut a couple of squares from thick fleece, batting, or felt to put on the back. This makes your snap nice and tight.  Clip a couple slits where the prongs will go through and slide them on.

7.  Place something soft under the magnet such as felt or folded fabric so that it won't get scratched on your table.  Place the washer over the prongs and while pushing down very firmly, bend your prongs outward one at a time.  You could also fold them inward, which is sometimes suggested in patterns.   If you need them to lay a little flatter, for perhaps a handbag flap or wallet, I would suggest folding them out.

Bam! You are done. One very flash looking magetic closure.  If you have any problems, feel free to email me.

Thank you for looking,

If you have found this tutorial helpful in the slightest way, please follow my blog by either GFC, Blog-lovin, Email or signing up for my Newsletter on the right side bar.   And... please share your finished bags with me in the Emmaline Bags Flickr Group.  I love to see your finished Emmaline inspired projects!

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  1. oh, wow, thanks for the great tutorial and photos. will be trying this out for the first time in a few days.

  2. LOVE your tutorials!! I'm a big fan of yours!! :)


    1. Thank you so much for stopping in and saying hi, Luisa! Will have to check out your blog! Janelle

  3. Thanks for the tutorial, I found it very helpful.

  4. Thanks for this tutorial! I'm just completing your XL teardrop bag (I added the snap for detailing - it sure looks professional!) I'll make sure to send you some pictures when it's done. :)

  5. OMGosh TY so much for this tutorial! I got it right the very first time!

  6. Thank you so much indeed. It helps me a lot.

  7. Thank you for the brilliant tutorial. I am about to make a bog with a magnetic closure pocket and you have answered all my questions. Love your blog.

  8. Glad it could help!!! Thank you for reading!

  9. I just installed my first magnetic snap closure thanks to this blog post. Thanks so much!

  10. This is a very handy tutoriall... I want to add a magnetic closure to a hobo bag that I was gifted... it's leather and so I can't add any interfacing or undo any seams... how could I do that? It's this bag... http://www.oasis-stores.com///oasis/fcp-product/5651058


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The contents of this blog, including text, original photos and ideas are the sole property of the author. If you intend to use my text or images, please link back to this blog and give credit to Emmaline Bags & Patterns. A notification email would be greatly appreciated too! Please do not ever republish an entire post, any tutorials, or post photos of my family. Thank you, Janelle