July 5, 2013

A Comma Quilt Finish - An Asymmetrical Wedding Quilt

How do you feel about asymmetrical quilts? I have to admit (shamelessly) that I am LOVING this gold and grey, very asymmetrical quilt, I made for a wedding gift. I've been waiting a couple of weeks to show it to you, but now the wedding has been enjoyed and the gift has been given, so bring on the quilt photos.  UPDATE:  Find the instructions to this quilt HERE!!

I'm not sure exactly what to call this quilt.  It's a diamond quilt, it's a very easy HST (half square triangle) quilt, it's a modern quilt made with the Comma fabric collection by Zen Chic for Moda, and most importantly..... it's a wedding quilt for Krystle and Rhys. This quilt is not just from me though, my mom, sister & daughters also all contributed to the fabric and supplies, and it was a gift from all of us to K & R!

Why is it a wedding quilt? To me, even though this quilt is not a wedding ring or double wedding ring quilt, it's still a wedding quilt. I was playing with the grey and gold HST's on my computer prior to any cutting or stitching and a center diamond started forming and repeating and no matter how differently I manipulated the HSTs, they kept getting changed back to this pattern. I always knew I was going to use the golds and greys from this brilliant fabric collection, I just knew. Ideas and thoughts kept fleeting and blinking in my mind about Krystle (the bride) and her family. My family has known theirs for a few generations now. Our family farm was near theirs. Krystle's Aunts used to babysit me when I was little, and my sister and I babysat Krystle and her sisters when we were teenagers, and in turn Krystle and her sisters babysat my daughters. Krystle has very loving parents, a close family and a wonderful circle of friends from her community and beyond. Krystle's ties to family and friends are strong and this quilt just illustrates this for me. How? I will tell you how the best I can, but it's not just visual, but also a feeling I get when I look at it.

To me the bride and groom, along with their immediate families, come together in the smallest gold diamond. Rippling out from the centre is an unbroken circle of gold that represents their closest friends and family.  Out from that, more circles that represent their extended families and friends.  Some of these circles are broken and some are closer than others, such as it is in life. The rings or bonds are still there, just unseen sometimes.

Click to Enlarge!
Another thing I see and feel in this quilt is sunshine and farming. The rows in a wheat field, the gold colour of straw, the yellow sunshine of summer, and the repeating pattern of crops. These are hard working, sun loving, farm people.

Click to enlarge!

Without all of this inspiration, if it was just fabric stitched together randomly, I would still love this warm quilt for a wedding quilt because it's just the perfect size for a couple to cuddle under on the couch after a long winters day.

Click to enlarge!

After I saw the yellow and orange wedding invites, I just knew the quilt was going to be perfect. Here is a picture of my table at the wedding. Gorgeous flowers in mason jars, arranged in a wildflower bouquet with class! Burlap, chalkboards, and candles. Best of all, little jars of honey from their family farm with cute little labels.  This is a picture of my clutch (there will be another post about this craft fail/resurrection at a later date).

If you would like to read more about this quilt, the block that inspired it, the fabric requirements, and how to sew HSTs, please watch the blog because I'll be putting that together for you.  UPDATE:  Find the instructions to this quilt HERE!! 

 Before quilting.

The quilting process.

Lovely lines...

The back.

I hope you like it.  I think I'll make another...


This post has been shared on the following blogs:

Serenity youPhotobucketPoofy Cheeks Tuesday To Do PartyOur Delightful Home”Inspiring homework The DIY DreamerGingerly MadeMade in a Day


  1. Can't wait to see more about this quilt!

  2. What an amazing quilt, the colours go together so well. I'm sure the couple will enjoy it as much as you have making it.

    Your purse looks great too.

  3. It is a BEAUTIFUL quilt, I love how you have picked only the golds and warm greys with a hint of white from the entire range of the collection. This color choice makes your quilt not only warm but also stylish and contemporary. The quilt pattern looks striking and compliments the fabric choices wonderfully. And the quilting itself is gorgeous. It's excellent craftswork and I know from own experience how much it takes to do that on a domestic sewing machine.
    Thank you for sharing this outrageous quilt - I'm sure the couple will cherish it forever.

    1. Thank you so much for your kind words, Brigitte! This means so much coming from the fabric designer herself. I am so pleased that you are happy with my application of this gorgeous, gorgeous fabric. I can't wait to use more of it and and also see what you design next. Thank you for this beautiful material! Janelle

  4. Janelle, that quilt is stunning. What beautiful work you did and it will be treasured forever for the love that went into making it.

    Great job!!!


  5. I absolutely love it. Beautiful colors and the design goes soooo well together. Nice Job.

    1. Thank you for the nice words, Carin! I do think it went together nicely and as you can tell, i'm pretty proud of it but it's good to hear that others like it too!! Janelle

  6. That is absolutely beautiful Janelle - the quilt and the reasoning behind it. The silver & gold shades could also look forward to a long & happy marriage for your friends with silver & golden anniversaries in their future - ? Just fabulous - you might even get me inspired to have a go at quilting instead of bagging ;D Sara x

    1. Oh that’s a great sentiment, Sara! Silver and Gold. Give it a go, give it a go! I am a bag lady, but I will always be a quilter at heart ;) Janelle

  7. it looks great the quilting reminds me of rope

  8. Lovely, so warm and beautiful. Love your photo shoots, how you wrapped it around the couple on the bench and the reflection in the water, and how cool is that, that Brigitte likes it too! SWEET!

  9. Simply gorgeous!! Great job!

  10. Gorgeous quilt. I love the Comma fabric and those colors together are great. I made a kaleidoscope quilt for my brother's wedding last year in black, white and gold. I don't think that wedding quilts need to be the same pattern, either. It's the thought and the effort and the gifting that make the quilt the gift. Fabulous job and I'll be watching to see more of the things you make.

  11. Beautiful quilt! And beautiful close quilting!! I'm sure K&R will love it!!

  12. This is so beautifull!

  13. Love it! Would love to make a quilt as beautiful! You definitely have mad skills! Found you via blackberry vine.

    1. Thank you so much for stopping in. Hope to see you again. Janelle

  14. Janelle, you did a fantastic job. Wow, you go girl. Awesome job. What a fantastic wedding gift. Happy Quilting. Debbie

  15. This is a work of art! Love the gray and yellow. A very modern color scheme. Margie

  16. I just wanted to let you know that I featured your wonderful project on homework. Thanks so much for sharing it on The Inspiration Board. Have a great weekend!

    homework &

  17. This quilt is amazing, Janelle! I just don't have the patience to sew that many straight lines.

  18. This quilt is absolutely gorgeous! I love the colors, the design and the straight line quilting!

  19. It is absolutely lovely and I've been planning to do something very similar. How large were the HSTs for this?

    1. Hi Rappy, these are large 8" HSTs. I am writing the tutorial up today!!

  20. Janelle, I was inspired by your beautiful quilt. I am making a full-size bed quilt of 5-inch HSTs of yellow and gray. Instead of a diamond layout, I made a chevron (half a diamond) that is offset from the center (across the width). I have a question: as I am quilting parallel lines like you did, I am getting a "rumpling" effect as I quilt along the bias. I am not getting puckers, but I am wondering if my presser foot is set at too high of a pressure? I can adjust the pressure. Is there any way to avoid that rumpling? My half-square triangles are smaller, so I have only 2 lines of quilting inside the triangles (you have 7 lines). As I look more closely at your quilting, you may have gotten a "rumpling" effect too, but yours looks even and beautiful. Please help!

    1. Hi there, yes I did get some sliding and stretching as I was going along that created wrinkles. They did come out in the wash though! The I think it's the stretching on the bias. I did adjust the pressure, also sewed in opposite directions with every other line of stitching. So if you did Chevrons, stitch one line from the left and the next from the right. Also I added pins as I went in any bad areas. Right in the path I was stitching, I added a few pins and stitched and added a few more. Adjusting your pressure foot should work wonders though.

    2. Thank you so much! This is only my third quilting project. It's the biggest project I've done so far, and is the only quilt so far in which I did not use fusible batting. I used "tons" of safety pins so I have not gotten any shifting, but then this wrinkling happened after I started my parallel lines of quilting outside of the ditch. This really concerned me. I have now adjusted the pressure on the presser foot and that has helped to create more even and smaller wrinkles. I will use your suggestions as I proceed. Thanks again!

  21. You probably will never see this post since it is 2017. The quilt is beautiful and I always wanted to do a gold/yellow quilt. To my sadness the fabric line is no longer available. I have looked everywhere in case someone was selling leftovers. I love the fabric. I went ahead and made it with different fabrics and though it is very pretty it is not quite the same. The pattern is so easy and I enjoyed the process. Thank you for sharing even though I didn't see it for a few years.

    1. Thank so much for your comment!! I am so please to hear that you made one and enjoyed the process. Yes, it was a great fabric line, but I truly can see it in so many others too. Thank you so much for commenting!!


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