July 16, 2012

Sew a Leather Emmaline Bag - Just Like Rose's!

Someday I'll sew a leather Emmaline Bag just like Rose from rose.is.a.rose did, because she has completely inspired me.  She makes it look sew easy... and soft... and leathery.... and, and... you just have to see it!

Sewing With Leather:
Rose's post on sewing with leather has several pointers and tips on sewing with leather such as leather thickness, leather sourcing, needles, how to press, proper sewing feet, etc..  I certainly am not able to write such a post based on personal experience so I direct you to Rose.  Here is the post, hop to it!! Leather Emmaline Bag with Tips for Sewing Leather

What I found out: I found out that it is possible to sew a gorgeous bag on my own machine, I found out where to buy leather, which was a bit daunting in itself, and found out that I can't wait to try it!  I also found out that I intended to feature Rose's leather bag post, but ending up learning much more.  (See below.)

Rose's Blog: rose.is.a.rose
A Bit About Rose:
I'd like to tell you a little more about Rose Beck, if you don't know her already.  I found Rose when I read her post about her bag contribution to Purse Palooza 2012 on Sew Sweetness.  I immediately loved her lilac leather bag, and I was drawn in by her gorgeous knitting.

Rose calls herself a beginning seamstress, but really, with a bag like that - she should surely call herself accomplished, shouldn't she?  But she doesn't just sew, she is well and truly a very accomplished knitter who designs and sells several (34) knitting patterns on Ravelry.  Gorgeous, beautiful, lovely... shawls, socks, hats.  Really you must look!

RosyPosy Designs

Rose's work makes me smile, and her designs are beautiful, and her story is inspiring.  When I read her designer profile on Ravelry, it just got me right there.  I know that is not an eloquent description of my emotions but, it just really spoke to me.  I can't imagine the personal emotional and physical strife she has endured, as I know some of you will yourself, but her message at the end is simple and inspiring and, those are the words I too try to live by too!  Thank you for the reminder, Rose.

Rose Beck's Ravelry Profile:
"I’ve been knitting and crocheting for over 20 years. A recent medical leave found with me with little strength for knitting but considerable time to explore designing.
I like to knit and design lace shawls, especially simple, elegant shawls that make the most of today’s gorgeous hand-dyed luxury yarns.
Why “RosyPosy Designs” as a name? After going through chronic fatigue syndrome and breast cancer treatment at the same time, I forced myself to take a positive outlook on life, otherwise I would end up crazy and depressed. “RosiePosie” was a nickname my friends and family used when I was little, and I remember hating it. I chose a resurrected form of this name to remind myself of my new take on life, where despite everything, I can choose to view my life as rosy.
Life is short. Make it beautiful."   by Rose Beck

Rose is a Rose.  Enough said, don't you think?


  1. Oh I still haven't even done a tote!! Rose does do some fabulous stuff and I can't wait to see your purse! How is everything else going?

  2. Thanks, Janelle, for such a lovely review! The pattern was wonderful and I look forward to making your other bags. :)

  3. The Emmaline is my favorite purse design ever! And this is a sweet leather version, though I prefer the kinder pleather...

  4. I just love this handbag it's fabulous
    leather jacket


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