March 13, 2012

Fabulously Fantastical Blogs to Peruse and Be Featured On

For me, one of the most wonderful things to come out of blogging, is getting to read, devour, and delight in so many wonderful crafty, decorating, and sewing blogs.  Wow!  There is so much gorgeous and ingenious stuff out there happening, and I don't know where all of these ideas come from.

I have linked up a few of my latest tutorials, such as:  Make Your Own Printed Fabric Craft or Sewing Labels, Make Your Own Vinyl/Leather Look Handbag Straps - A TutorialFabric Cradle Purse : A new take on the old crocheted fave! to some really amazing blogs and I'm thrilled, and feelin' pretty darn lucky, that I've been featured on a few.

Check out these amazing blogs, and learn to craft, sew, cook and decorate like modern, retro, thrifty, crafty diva!  You will have polka-dot washing machines, organized cupboards, repainted picture frames and crafts for every season.  You WILL be Martha Stewart (without the jail time), complete with soft skin from homemade body butter, and gorgeous modge pod finger nails.  If you don't know what any of this means, you need to read some blogs and see a few link parties!! Start with these:

Tuesday To Do FEatured homemade craftsCreatively LivingCreative Itch

Thank you for looking,

PS.  May all your bobbins be full!


  1. Thank you so much for including me in that line up! You made my day...which is a really nice thing, because I'm off to the dentist next! lol

    I love your closing, "may all your bobbins be full!" That is perfect! Especially, since it never fails to rut out right before the end of a project! lol
    @ Creatively Living

    1. Creatively Living is a pretty awesome blog, Katie! Be proud. I hope the dentist was nice! Janelle

  2. This is fabulous! Thank you for sharing, I'm always looking for new crafty blogs to get me inspired!

    Lou xx

  3. Thanks so much for mentioning Sew Can Do! Love seeing your projects:)


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