January 15, 2012

Big Moves Happening!

I can't stop daydreaming about what I want Emmaline to be someday and about everything I have to do to get it there, and I think it's time for Emmaline to start moving towards my end goal. There will be some changes. Not a sudden, big change, not a fast change, just little, slow changes made with "baby steps" that will eventually add up to something pretty massive! Oh, and one gigantic step around the globe... 

The first change is in business direction:  From now on, every bag, purse, and tote, etc., I make will be completely my own design and pattern.  I'm going to create handbags and purses with the process of pattern making and reproduction in mind as I do it.   All of my patterns will be available in my shop via .pdf file and hopefully, in the future, in other shops as well. I'll also slowly evolve my site into one that sells handbag hardware and handles, and my blog into one that provides free sewing tutorials.  I love the idea of tutorials!  We all need help and we all need to pick up those handy sewing tips and tricks somewhere.
I've had to switch to a new blog provider so I can have more editing and formatting options.  This blog is going to have tutorials with photos included and links to free downloads and the blog that comes with my website provider can't support this. So a handy link on my website is all everyone will need to find my blog on Blogspot.  (Hands clasped in prayer mode, "Somebody please find it!")
Another major happening in my life, a huge move home to Canada.  We've been in Australia for 3.5 years and as sad as it will be to leave this beautiful country and my, even more beautiful, friends, it's time to head for home to be with our much missed family. We have about 6 months to sell everything, including the house, and pack up our most precious items to be sent home. Right now we are in the process of painting the house inside and out and making plans for the execution of operation "Canada Bound".  So needless to say, all of these grand, exciting, plans need to be looked at realistically, and reality is telling me it will be hard to be doing any sewing or creating with a sewing machine that is soon to be listed on ebay and scissors and rotary cutters that will be packed in cardboard boxes to be shipped home to the motherland.
It seems as though I have been motivated and inspired in an ambitious direction, only realize that plan can only be followed slowly....  and in bits and pieces. I need to try and get some sewing done and patterns created, because soon much of the work will only be able to be done on my computer.  I suppose this could include blogging.  (Which is more or less just journaling when you don't have any followers. ;)  And... I just winked to myself, how sad.)
Big question: What sewing machine will I buy upon my return to Canada?
Thanks for reading, Janelle


  1. Janelle, you have a lot of wonderful news and adventure ahead of you. Thank you for sharing.

    1. Thank you! I do have a lot of adventure; however it looks like I'll have to start this adventure at the handle end of paint brushes and rollers. The house painting has begun!


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