May 22, 2014

Call for Pattern Testers:: Bags/Totes/Wallets/Purses

Hi Bag Makers!  Hope you are all doing well and haven't had much seam ripping lately....

It's about time I updated my Pattern Tester List so that I give more wonderful bag makers a chance to pattern test and have their photos shared too.  I love seeing all the different looks a bag can have with the different styles and fabric choices you all have.

If you think you would be able to sew up one of my bag designs, find my typos and goofs, and give me constructive criticism, I would be happy to have you sign up with me. Turn around is usually about 2-3 weeks, and you should be able to give me written edits and feedback, as well as a couple of quality photos by the deadline. I will issue you a feedback form with a few questions to answer if you are chosen to test a pattern.

Whenever I choose pattern testers, you will have the opportunity to see a picture of the pattern and review the required supplies before you commit, and I do realize that it's not always great timing so if you do have to decline, don't worry, it doesn't mean I won't offer it to you again. Please note, you will not be paid for this, except with my thanks and a free - completed - sewing pattern.

If you have already tested for me in the past, please sign up here again!
I will choose about 12 pattern testers each time, and assuming that I get more than 12 sign ups, I might have to pick from the list randomly. When you enter your details to the list, it will save automatically.

The sign-up list is now full, I have removed it to protect your email addresses.
If you would like to be added, feel free to send me an email. Just click the envelop in the upper right corner.

Thank You!

Sneak Peek:: This ones coming up in a few days....


  1. Awesome opportunity! I love your patterns (and supplies!)

  2. Hi Janelle, Never been a tester before but would love to be on your list!!! Let me know. Love your patterns and the hardware!!!


  3. Signed up, hoping to get picked! I have made the NCP about 7 times so far and can't wait to make it again!

  4. Thank for the opportunity

  5. HI I tried the above "Sign-up list" and it did not go anywhere. but I would love to be one of your testers. I would say I am an expert bag maker. Have made many including the Professional Bag, which is awesome. Thanks Ellen

    1. Hi Ellen, it won't work on a phone, if you are using one, it has to be on a computer, i believe and you should be logged in to Google. I can add you, Ellen.

  6. I think I signed up correctly. I'd love to be a tester.

    I have a question on the Necessary clutch. I see some people have two zippered compartments. Do you have a link to show how this is done. I'm on my first clutch, I'm just starting the zippered part. I'm using really nice batiks. I have a feeling it's going to be my favorite clutch. But I am a monkey see, monkey do person and I really want two zippered compartments like the ones I saw.

    1. Hi Gail, I think there is a tutorial for that in the Necessary Clutch Purse Addicts fan page on facebook.
      Are you on facebook? You could asked to join that group, and then when you go to the Files tab, there is a list of adaptions and alterations folks have made. It’s a great group, here is the link:
      The file you want is called Double Zipper Tutorial.
      I hope that helps!!

  7. I would love to be a pattern tester. School is almost out and I'm so ready to sew full time this summer! I hope your hubs is doing well! :)
    -Ann Daley -

    1. He's doing really great, Ann, thank you! And thanks for adding your name! Janelle

  8. How Awesome Janelle, I love making bags and your NCW - I just added to list but wasn't sure how to save so I hope it worked :)

  9. I have tested designs and I LOVE to make purses and totes. Would love to test for you. I have seen your designs and love them

  10. Hi From Switzerland,
    I have been pattern testern for Arbee Designs for quilts, but I love bag, sewing lots of them and would be happy to help you out :-)


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