May 12, 2014

A "Simply" Made Jelly Roll Quilt That Was Quilted Wrong - Accidentally/On Purpose

A few months ago (or more), I started a very, very easy strip quilt and I finally finished quilting and binding it during "Selfish Sewing Week".

This is just so basic, but the fabrics and colours in the "Simply Style" collection, designed by V & Co. for Moda, just make me so happy when I look at them... I really wanted to just let them be the focus. Plus, I wanted a quick finish ;).

Strips sewn together before quilting.

I just stitched the whole jelly roll together as it came off of the roll, but I did have to pull out a couple of the blues as there were just too many of those.

The end result is a very, very long lap quilt and the proportions are kind of odd.  My husband did wonder why it was so skinny, but I showed him how we, with our little boy in the middle, could all sit on the couch and read and all be covered, so then he decided it wasn't too bad!

It's a good couch quilt for us, however all of those bright colours don't really go with my teal and yellow accent colours right now so when I "throw" it for the day, I show the back side of it and not the front. I like the back side too!

Although... let me ask you this:  How long can you quilt with the wrong colour of thread in your bobbin before you notice?  I can use almost a whole bobbin before I find that I have a dark, dark (almost black) green thread in my bobbin case, when I am supposed to have cream.  Ya, I'm pretty good.  I didn't feel like ripping it out, so I just refilled the bobbin with the same colour and kept on going.  I was HUGELY disappointed, but I've gotten used to that terrible quilting on the back now and pretend that it's supposed to be like that. Ya, I meant to do that....

The backside, quilted with dark thread. BOOOO!

Thank you for reading!!


  1. It's so reassuring to know that even the pros goof up once in awhile. There is hope for all of us! Love your quilt! (And most people won't even notice the dark thread on the back - trust me!)

  2. The quilt is fantastic Janelle!! Unless someone has A LOT of time on their hands or enjoys squinting to see threads I think you'll be fine LOL! xo

  3. Beautiful. No 'mistakes', just your creative take on it!!

  4. Looks great to me - I love a contrasting thread on the back :)

  5. I can't begin to tell you how many of these errors I make. You just have to keep on going, or the project will never get finished! Your quilt is quite lovely, by the way.

  6. Heck I've made no bigger than a baby blanket sized quilt. I'm impressed with it!

  7. Love your honest post!!!! Love your quilt too!! Big fan of V and Co!!!

  8. Love this story! Love the quilt too! Great job! xoxoxo

  9. If it is a mistake, it is a beautiful mistake! I love it!!! Nancy

  10. Haha! I think it gives the quilting more definition ;) Honestly, it's gorgeous :) x

  11. I love this story very much...Looks great to me..Thanks for sharing it..
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