January 29, 2013

Minecraft Craft - Sew a Mineral Block

Why a Minecraft Block? 

On a recent trip to one of my area quilt shops, I gave my seven year old son the usual pre-shopping talk about him not touching anything and me promising to be quick.  Of course, neither happened.

I took much too long and Jace touched a lot of things.  He was especially taken with the fat quarters and was oohing and ahhing over all of the bright colours, mixing them quite nicely.   He came running up with a fat quarter of bright blue.  "Lapis Lazuli!  Lapis Lazuli!"  To which I replied something like, "Huh?  Go put that back and stop touching things."  He continued to tell me all about a block I needed to make for him and this was the perfect colour for Lapis Lazuli, and we had a little discussion about how confused I was about what he was talking about.  He told me it was a Minecraft block, "you know Mum, it's just a 3-D cube, you can make it."  After confirming that all I had to do was make a 3-D cube, we bought his fat-quarter and he was thrilled.  (Minecraft is a computer, ipod, or xbox game where you build mines, build houses,  and grow plants, etc. - It's actually quite creative, and he is quite addicted.)

Sew.... I made his block.  First though, I had to Google Lapis Lazuli to make sure I knew what it was.  Luckily it was very easy to find, Lapis Lazuli on minecraftwiki.net. 

The boy was thrilled and screamed with delight over this cube.  I asked him what he was planning on doing with it, and he just said "Play with it!!"   It's been on his bed ever since.  He tried to use it as a pillow but it didn't work too good, but all of the doggies and bears have had a turn.  Jace says it's just a big party on his bed and no one gets left out, so they are all taking a turn.  (A block party?)  It's Chickie the Penguin's turn tonight.   So why did I buy him Christmas presents anyway?  He likes a cube!

Make a 3-D Block:
I didn't refer to a tutorial for this, as I already knew how to sew a cube, but if you'd like to learn how to make a cube, or baby blocks and do great 3-D corners, HERE, is a great tutorial for you.

On another note, even though it's -28 outside with a -43 windchill, it's Spring time in my house.  I picked up some crocus, and hyacinth's at my Safeway and they are blooming.  They make me smile when I see them.  Bring on Spring!



  1. Tell Jace my favorite stone right now is Lapis Lazuli. I think it's wonderful everyone is enjoying the block so much. xo


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